Thursday, November 8, 2007

how and where to invest forex , forex trading money

The site features fixed odds financial bets. You are presented with the amount of money you will win or lose prior to placing the option. If, when a option expires, you have won the option, you win a predetermined payout. This means your level of risk is clearly defined at all times making fixed odds trading a competitive and flexible way of playing the world's financial markets.
-There are a wide variety of bets available, including:

Bull/Bear - You believe that the market will be above or below (respectively) a given target at the close of the market on the date the contract expires.

Expiry Range - You believe a given market will be situated between two predetermined target levels at the close of the market on the date the contract expires.

One Touch - You believe the market will touch a given point at least once before the contract expires.

No Touch - You believe the market will never reach a certain level within a specified range of time.

Barrier Range - You believe the market will never touch two predetermined barrier levels (high and low) before the contract expires.

Double Touch - You believe the market will touch both a predetermined high and a predetermined low boundary before the contract expires.

Up or Down - You believe the market will touch either of two predetermined barrier levels (high or low) before the contract expires.

Intraday Up or Intraday Down - Buy this bet to play a market rise/fall
(respectively) between two given market times today.

Run Bets - Win the bet just in some seconds, you can win up to 10 times your money...

- The drop-down menu in the middle left hand side of the screen allows you to switch between 'Stocks', 'Indices' and 'Forex' bets.

- All times are in GMT time and bets may be sold before expiry. You can see the current value of all your bets by viewing your Portfolio. To sell a contract, simply click on the GO button on the right of the contract. Thus, you can buy and sell bets to profit from short-term trends.

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